昨天氣溫總算開始回溫到一、兩度(至少是在零度以上),嘿! 一心想說,苦日子總算過了。沒想到,這一兩度的氣溫,反而讓要融不融的積雪變成噩夢一場。零度以下的積雪,至少是『脆』的,走在上面還四平八穩的『喀擦喀擦』;現在變成要融不融的溜冰場,有的人乾脆用狗爬式來過馬路....
The UK's freezing weather has forced some pedestrians to crawl across icy roads.
Headteacher David Murgett, from West Yorkshire, decided it was a safer than walking.
Commentary from the BBC's Jenny Hill.
以下這則 youtube 也很好笑~
Thames Valley Police officers were filmed using riot shields to sledge down a snowy hill while on duty.
Rick Latham filmed the officers on Boars Hill, Oxford, and posted it on YouTube.
Local policing area commander Supt Andrew Murray said the snow had "a habit of bringing out the child in all of us".
Headded: "I have spoken to the officers concerned and reminded them in nouncertain terms that tobogganing on duty, on police equipment and attaxpayers' expense is a very bad idea should they wish to progressunder my command."