是半年多前了吧,Bubbleology 跟 Harvey Nicole (英國的精品百貨)合作,在英國各地的 HN 門市舉辦一日試營會。當日剛好有事去里茲,正巧趕上而興沖沖的買了一杯珍奶綠。
It must have been like half year ago when Bubblelogy did a trial run tour (or something like that) with Harvey Nicole, putting up a pop-up shop in some HN branches around the country. Although I wasn't aware of this big news, I happened to be in Leeds on that day and bought a cup of jasmine bubble milk tea - it was really good!
這趟的倫敦假期,思思念念著中國城裡 QQ 的現包水餃(沒辦法~ 祖先是北方人),老實說,壓根忘了這間正夯的珍奶店。好險在倫敦的第二天,就因為要避開人潮洶湧的大路,而意外地在 Soho 區的小巷子裡找到。大叫一聲,馬上拉著麥先生進店裡排隊(對呀 要排隊唷~ 連去了三次,每此都要排很久)。
Before we went on holiday to London, all I thought about what to do/eat is the texture of the Chinese homemade dumplings in China Town. (Well, my never-met grand-father is from the north of China, so I am born to be a noodle lover than a rice person.) I've totally forgotton this bubble milk tea shop. So, when we happened to walked past this Bubbleology shop in the back alley of Soho, I was so so delighted. Without a word and any hesitation, I grabbed Mike's arm and joined the queue 'on the street'.