聖誕節快到勒~ 好開心唷~
(麥先生在旁邊說: ㄜ.... 那個現在才十一月中旬耶!)
ㄏㄡ! 你看看 你看看, 里茲(Leeds)的聖誕樹, 聖誕燈, 還有聖誕市集German Market 都已經出來了!
Of course, it's almost Christmas!!!
well 其實從這週末就有個有趣的活動,好像是小鎮裡的小孩們會穿著維多利亞時代的衣服在街上遊行,迎接聖誕節的到來。
唉~ 可是我得待在家裡準備明天的移民考試(Life in the UK Test)。
Anyway, 下一個有趣的活動是《Torchlight Weekend》將會在12-13 Dec 舉辦~
好像是點蠟燭的聖誕遊行.... 好像很好玩耶!!!
(麥先生又在旁邊插話說: 其實是你想去玩吧!)
以下照片跟說明,皆來自於 Haworth Village 官方網站。
Torchlight Weekend
12th-13th December 2009
An incredibleexperience that has become an annual favourite with many visitors tothe village. Saturday - Candlemass Eve - Mr. & Mrs. Santa leadtorchlit procession down Main Street accompanied by the Holly Queen,Morris Dancers, choirs, bands. Starts top of Main Street 3pm. Carolsinging round Christmas tree at bottom. Our famous Sunday TorchlightProcession starts at 5.15pm and sees hundreds of torch & lanternbearers, along with choirs and bands singing carols, wind their way upfrom the bottom of the cobbled Victorian Main Street to the ParishChurch. Please note: the traditional carol service held in the ParishChurch is a religious event. Visitors will be strictly monitored andnumbers limited.
Close of service approx. 7.15pm.
HaworthVillage Association reserves the right to change/alter dates/performers/events without prior notice although every endeavour will bemade to keep to the published programmes.
[ULC] 坐蒸氣火車去Haworth 有完整的交通資訊(寫于2008年)
[ULC] Haworth蒸氣火車之旅 (照片/活動記錄)