老麥的老家,在距離 Bradford 約一個半小時車程的北部靠海城市 ─ Hull。
每個城市,好像都有所謂的 local newspaper,像 Leeds/Bradford 有 T&A,而 Hull 就有 Hull Daily Mail。
公婆是 Hull Daily Mail 的長期忠實訂戶。其中的副刊,一整面都是在刊登最近結婚的新人照片(新人通常都是在Hull結婚、或是住在Hull)。
從去年收到專業攝影師的作品後,公婆花了很多時間瀏覽過所有的照片,並選定的其中最滿意的一張,幫我們投稿到Hull Daily Mail。之後就是漫長等待,大約要半年左右,投稿的照片才會被刊登出來。
Where did you meet each other and how long have you known each other?
I came to Bradford University from Taiwan to study for a masters in 2006 and met Michael at the university, as he works in the language school. It was love at first sight, or first talk maybe.
How romantic was his/your proposal?
It was very romantic. He took me to Portmarian in North Wales the day after I submitted my dissertation in Sep. 2007.
He asked me to go for a walk by the sea, because "it was a nice evening in Portmarian". We walked for about an hour before we got to a balcony facing the sea, then he kneeled down and asked me.
What was the best part of your big day?
We had our wedding in Taipei, Taiwan, my home town, and we combined two cultures' wedding traditions. I am really glad both families enjoyed themselves.
What made you decide she/he was the person for you?
Despite the fact we are from different cultures and speak different languages (Chinese is my mother tongue), I find it easy and cosy with Michael. We are like best friends, and also like the other half of each other.
Michael's family are really sweet. Even though I am far away from home, I have gained a family in the UK.