『妳妳妳... 為什麼銀行帳戶上顯示妳有五位數(英鎊)的負債,妳到底是買了甚麼??』
『拜託,那是房貸好嘛 (翻白眼)...』
『喔 Mortgage...』(很尷尬又不會意思地回我)
As many of you know i work in Room 101 which is a sort of student computer room. I just checked my back account online and noticed that one of our accounts, which seemed to be in my wife's name, was £X0,000 in debt. Naturally, jumping to the conclusion that she'd been getting abit carried away on ebay I rang her up to ask her "why our bank account is £X0,000 in debt?", at which point I heard gasps and looked up to see several students who had been working quietly on computers looking at me with shocked expressions. My wife informed me that this was our mortgage account, leaving me to feel I had to explain to the room full of students "oh, its ok, its only the mortgage". Relief and quite a lot of laughter from the students.