I love to watch my baby boy sleep.
It's like the world, the time has stopped, just for him. I adore his angelic look when he is sleeping, and the position he finally settles in.
Recently at bed time, soon after he finishes his bottle, or when he feels having had enough, he would lie still in my arms for a short little while. He would then try to turn to his tummy and curle up on me, or by my side, with his feast holding tight on me. And within seconds, most of the time, he would settle down, start to relax and fall into deep sleep.
I have always been very big on routine since he was 6 weeks old and tried very hard not to comfort him to sleep. I am now a lot more soft, and I would just let him curle up on or around me for a good half hour or so before I move him to his bed (we still sleep in the same room). My soft side might back-fire on me soon though, if not already.
He used to be able to sleep through the night from 7pm to 9am. But since we came back from Taiwan, he started to wake up crying around 1am-ish. I have tried to ignore him in the hope of him self-soothing to sleep, which hasn't been working. Then I found the easiest way to calm him down is to co-sleep - he falls back to deep-sleep almost straight away in most nights. He will then settle until 5am or 6am (Gosh!! way too early for my liking - any tips???), well, sometimes until 4am!
Although I am now often wide awake for a good half hour as a result of this, watching him settling down in my arms or by my side is a very touching (mum) thing. His puffy cheeks, his snoring, his warm chubby legs, and his long eye-lashes... he is so perfect as he is.
In his deep sleep, so ordinary and yet so extraodinary.