
是半年多前了吧,Bubbleology 跟 Harvey Nicole (英國的精品百貨)合作,在英國各地的 HN 門市舉辦一日試營會。當日剛好有事去里茲,正巧趕上而興沖沖的買了一杯珍奶綠。

It must have been like half year ago when Bubblelogy did a trial run tour (or something like that) with Harvey Nicole, putting up a pop-up shop in some HN branches around the country. Although I wasn't aware of this big news, I happened to be in Leeds on that day and bought a cup of jasmine bubble milk tea - it was really good! 

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這趟的倫敦假期,思思念念著中國城裡 QQ 的現包水餃(沒辦法~ 祖先是北方人),老實說,壓根忘了這間正夯的珍奶店。好險在倫敦的第二天,就因為要避開人潮洶湧的大路,而意外地在 Soho 區的小巷子裡找到。大叫一聲,馬上拉著麥先生進店裡排隊(對呀 要排隊唷~ 連去了三次,每此都要排很久)。

Before we went on holiday to London, all I thought about what to do/eat is the texture of the Chinese homemade dumplings in China Town. (Well, my never-met grand-father is from the north of China, so I am born to be a noodle lover than a rice person.) I've totally forgotton this bubble milk tea shop.  So, when we happened to walked past this Bubbleology shop in the back alley of Soho, I was so so delighted. Without a word and any hesitation, I grabbed Mike's arm and joined the queue 'on the street'.    




麥先生很喜歡這間店的名字『Bubbleology』~ 店內牆上的創意插畫,配上店員們的制服,很像一間科學實驗室一樣,跟 Soho 區的氣質很搭呢!也因為店名設計裝潢太新穎,每次去的時候,總是有不少人在店外觀察 (好有趣呢~)。

The combination of the name 'Bubbleology', the art work of science diagram on the wall and workers 'lab jackets' uniforms makes this shop like a weird lab - mad sciencetists making colourful drinks for human testing on youngsters. Its trendy and fun looking is a real attraction, even for Soho, and there are always people queueing for the drinks and people looking in from outside with an expression on the face  'what the hx this place is?!'.



雖然一杯珍奶要價頗高,好像是 2.75(500cc) / 3.35(700cc),我想,大概只有留學生/英國人/非台灣人的觀光客,才會捨得買吧。他們的珍珠,軟硬Q度嚼勁適中,是我愛的那種。

It is actually a bit pricy, 2.75 for a medium and 3.35 for a large.  I guess it's only a treat for people who live in the UK for a while, like myself, and for non-Chinese/Taiwanese tourists. Their bubbles are actually not bad, chewy and joicy, just as how I always like them.




49 Rupert Street, London W1D 7PF
020 7494 4231

Hours:  Mon-Fri 8:00 - 0:00 ; Sat-Sun 11:00 - 0:00





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