

(Talia and Ali) 最佳父女檔

Two weeks ago, I met Ali's two sweet kids, Talia and Lauren.
Tonight,  we were invited to their house for Talia's Birthday Party, and also to teach them how to write their names in Chinese.

Before the party, Mr. Mai and me went to the Chinese supermarket in last weekend to buy girls little gifts - Chinese biscuits. I though it would be a good choice since they knew I am a Chinese, and more important, that might be their first time to have Chinese sweets. And, YES, THEY ARE THEIR FIRST!!!!!

上週末,我跟麥先生就在Leeds的中國超市幫兩個小女生買了小點心,因為我想「她們一定沒來過Chinese supermarket,也一定沒吃過東方口味的餅乾,應該對她們來說會是不錯的可愛禮物」.... 結果,果真是她們的第一次!!超開心的!!

Two sweeties with Michael and Ali.... (even though Ali's face was blocked by Talia.)


Later on, I showed them their Chinese translated name and taught them how to write it.

See... Lauren is very focusing.....


↑ Very Very Proud.....

We had a lovely time together.....
They also prepared little gifts for me, flowers.
They are really really sweet.





(在場四個大人突然面面相覷..... HOW and WHY) 完全就是一頭問號?????????
問我「Will you go back to Taiwan?」..... (聽了真是一團感動...)
教我玩英國人的兒童遊戲,因為對我來說都很新鮮,而且本人不太能手耳並用,所以玩起遊戲來爆笑百出.... 兩個女娃最後說「I hope you can win.....」害我超不好意思的,因為好像我很笨,哈哈!

Michael said I have caught  their imaginations.
Well, I don't know what imaginations would be, and I hope/believe those would be good to them....

Dear Talia~ Happy Birthday~



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