
Xmas is coming.... ^^

週四去曼城拿我的義大利行申根簽證,順道經過了這個Xmas Market

On Thru., I went to manchester to pick up my shuiga visa for Italy trip. Then, we passed by this Xmas market.


This kind of Xmas market just started in the past five years, and almost every city would have this kind of small market selling Xmas trees, Xmas decoration, chocolate, German sussage, and stylish candles.

市場的中心通常會有小酒屋(pictures are as follows),提供特別應景(就是聖誕節才推出)的飲料,大家去逛市場的時候一定要去喝喝看,在此推薦兩款飲料:Ladies Chocolate SurpriseMulled Wine。前者是熱巧克力加上愛爾蘭酒跟奶油,酒精味並不強,讓女生在這種天氣喝了之後會暖活起來;後者是Hot Wine加上香料,會有點辣辣的,融合出非常特別的口感。

In the middle of the market, normally there is a German bar, providing 'Xmas' drinks. When you guys have chance to visit, you have to try these two drinks: Ladies Chocolate Surprise and Mulled Wine. The first one is hot chocolate with Irish wine and cream, but the alcohol is not that strong, just for girls to warm up in this cold weather. The later one is hot wine with hergs, therefore it tastes a little bit spicy, giving me a very interesting taste.

Left Pic: Inside the tent in Leeds.

Right Pic: Left drink is
Ladies Chocolate Surprise. Right one is Mulled Wine.

(About the cup of Mulled Wine, they will charge you about £2.50 in advance in order to prevent you take the cup away. You can get your money return after finishing your drink and return the cup to the shop.)








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